(Mixed media. Water colours, acrylics, ink. 31 x 41 cm)
800 kr
For Inspire Me Thursday - "Papercut":
... draw inspiration from papercutting, the art of cutting paper designs
Not sure I did this "correctly" :) but hey it's my interpretation and I did cut out figures ;)
Originally, this was supposed to be much more light and fun, but then the queen stepped in and took over completely, having all the fun herself, as queens tend to do - and keep in mind, this is a rock queen :)
7 kommentarer:
Wonderful and very creative.
En lysande skapelse! Så blandat av det jag tycker kännertecknar dig och något helt nytt. Jag gillar den skarpt!!! Kramar...
Laurel: Thank you! I think I took some artistic license with this one but I liked it :)
Gisan: Tack, vad spännande! Tycker jag mest står och stampar just nu.
Snygg! Hoppas allt är bra med dig och att du får en bra helg. Kram!
Sara: Tack! Jag har en toppenhelg. Hoppas att även du har det. Kram tebax!
Den här är helt underbar! Toppen!
Kram Nalle
Nalle: Tack! :)
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