
do the body electric

(Blandteknik. Gouache, akryl. 24 x 32 cm)
1000 kr

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Den här svänger det om. Det riktigt ser man:)Tycker mig också se ett hjärta mitt emellan systrarna. För mig är de systrar:)
Kram Nalle

Gisan sa...

Holy smoke Catwoman!!! Den här har ett djup som suger in mig. Den är mörk fast ändå inte... Vad jag menar? Att jag älskar den. Kramar...

carra sa...

Nalle och Gisan: Ville fånga glädjen i att älska och att vara tillsammans. Vilket kan vara både så svårt och så enkelt...

Anonym sa...

Hi Carra! I haven't been here in a while... you are doing such wonderful, emotional paintings. I like the abstraction of the figures with the em[hasis on mood. This one is very interesting - it looks like the figures form a partial heart between them!

carra sa...

Thank you, Carla. It is always interesting to read your comments. Other people have also pointed out the heart between them. It is purely incidental, but it's highly in accordance with what I wanted to portray with this painting. :)

Julia Yu sa...

I can see they are dancing, turning in fully joy. Beautiful colors render as well. This is an enchanting piece.

Thanks for your concern of the unlucky one too.

carra sa...

Bobo's slave: Thank you!