(Mixed media. Gouache and collage. 24 x 32 cm)
400 kr
you're just an empty cage girl
if you kill the bird
(Tori Amos, "Crucify", Little Earthquakes, 1992. Full lyrics)
For Inspire Me Thursday - "Square".
I love this song, and I have always wanted to use it as an inspiration for a painting. I don't know why, but for some reason the word "square" put together with these lines, which came to my mind immediately when I read about this week's challenge, was what (finally) started off my imagination.
OK, so I might have interpreted "square" loosely, but hey, artistic license and all that! :)
11 kommentarer:
Den träffar mig med styrka, denna målning. Gång på gång gör du mig mållös. Kramar...
I think square as a state of mind, or what the word invokes in you works as a response! I like the sense of mystery that this creates.
Gisan: Tack! Den är stark även för mig... Så stark att jag målade den trots att jag hade värk i nacken och borde ha vilat. :\
Deb: Thank you! Well this was what came to mind :)
one girl show
Platinum blonde: Why thank you! That means a lot to me.
this is art. it draws me in & i love it.
This is lovely, and so full of mystery. And I love that song, by the way!
I love the title and that the woman is gazing outwards. The colors seem to want to escape too. Lovely! katy
Beautiful piece !!
It's as if she is coming out of the mist. Beautiful work!
Megan: Thank you! I am happy to hear that.
Cheryl: Thanks! It is such a beautiful song, isn't it? Inspirational in many ways.
Katy: Thanks! I really liked your interpretation about the colours.
Julia: Thank you!
Gina: Thanks! Let's hope she can break free.
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