
Mermaid Goes Modern

(Mixed media. Acrylics, water colours, glitter, collage. 30 x 30 cm)
1500 kr

For Illustration Friday - "Legendary".

Being a Pisces (tomorrow, the 14th, is my birthday ;)) with the customary vivid imagination and a long time lover of water and all its fantasy elements, like mermaids, this was a truly inspiring topic for me.

I took a better picture of this painting in daylight, since the flash played havoc with some of the glittery details. Well it still does, but to a lesser extent. ;) Hey, taking a picture of your painting is like trying to create a new creation all over together again! *sigh*

13 kommentarer:

studio lolo sa...

oh Carra, she's beautiful!!
I wish you a magical birthday!


Momo sa...

Lovely piece.

Happy birthday!

Gisan sa...

Ååååååååhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Jag vill nästan sträcka mig till att detn här är den bästa du har gjort i mina ögon. Grattis igen på födelsedagen! Kramar...

Anonym sa...

Your layering of color and texture is really beautiful!

Koya Moon sa...

that is so grand! makes me want to shapeshift

sarah sa...

i love how the forms are hinted at, the colors and beautiful, very moody and lovely

carra sa...

Thank you all for your kind words!

Anonym sa...

whoa. this is stunning.
beautiful and kind of scary, too.
great soft texture.

Unknown sa...

great work!!! I love mermaids....

carra sa...

Piper: Thank you!

Diana: Thanks! Yeah I love them too :)

Anonym sa...

This is breathtaking. Beautiful, beautiful piece.

Projekt: Promenad 3 sa...

Fantastiskt! Du har verkligen lyckats ge den en nästan surrealistisk känsla. Jättebra


carra sa...

Mariapacewynters: Thank you!

Elinleticia: Tack! Jag är ganska nöjd själv men överraskad över den positiva feedbacken :) Den var väldigt rolig att jobba med!